There are many reasons why someone would want to lose weight. As a Personal Trainer I have probably heard all of them at one time or another. I have heard everything from "I just want to look better" to "My doctor tells me if I don't lose weight I will die".
For the many people that are overweight or obese losing weight can be a very positive step toward improving their overall health. The number of diet programs, diet books and diet pills on the market tells us that there is no lack of people wanting to lose weight.
The first thing you need to do to lose weight is to STOP DIETING. Dieting for the most part doesn't work. Most people that lose weight on a diet plan or program tend to gain it back even quicker than they lost it. Not only do these people gain back all they lost but usually they gain back even more than they lost.
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1. DO NOT DIET. That is do not restrict your calorie intake to an unhealthy level or deprive yourself of certain foods or eat only certain foods. Eat a variety of foods, but try to make healthy choices. Think about what you are eating and learn what works for you. If you absolutely hate grapefruit you surely don't want to go on a grapefruit diet. You may lose weight at first but you won't keep your commitment when you see that nice juicy slice of Key Lime Pie.
2. Do a full body cleanse using natural herbal cleanse which you can get at most health food stores. If at all possible you should do a parasite cleanse, a Candida cleanse and a colon cleanse also. This gets the garbage out of your system that has built up over many years; it then allows the digestive system to do a better job. It is estimated that most people carry between 10-15 lbs of dried fecal material in their intestines that can lead to more health problems. Cleaning this out will help the body better use the food you put into it as well as help you lose weight.
3. Set realistic goals; don't try to lose 30 lbs in 10 days. That would be a ridiculous goal and even if you were to accomplish it you would invariably have to use very unhealthy methods, and may very well cause more harm than good. Losing 3lbs per week is reasonable and healthy. However do not get hung up too much on scale weight. I often tell my clients to throw the scales away. Scale weight can be one indicator but means very little alone. The problem with many weight reduction plans is that they rely too heavily on scale weight without considering body composition. If you plan to only use one indicator to go by the scale is the most convenient and also the least valuable. Body composition is a much better indicator,
4. Eat a diet that is as close to nature as possible. Stay away from fried foods if at all possible. Limit the white flour and sugar and anything processed. If it comes in a can, a box or is in anyway prepared, like lunch meat limit your intake of these items. The preservatives in these items are for the most part poisonous to the human body. It is best that you set up a nutrition plan that you can live with the rest of your life.
5. Try to increase your consumption of high fiber foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables. Fibrous foods like lettuce, broccoli, celery etc will help your bowels move regularly, which is important to maintaining good health. Eat at least one large salad each day. If you want to really get a boost in your weight loss add some apple cider vinegar to your salad as dressing.
6. Drink plenty of good clean water. In most parts of the US you will want to stay away from tap water. Many of the cities in the US still use fluoridated water. Fluoride is actually a poison to the human body and has been linked with the increase in Alzheimer's and other chronic diseases. You would be better off not to brush your teeth with fluoridated toothpaste either. You may want to get bottled water, oxygenated bottled water if possible.
7. Increase the amount of exercise you do. In countries other than the US people average walking 8-10 miles daily. Most people in the US walk less than 2 miles a day. Adding just a few steps here and there can add a great deal o the amount you walk. Park farther out in the parking lot, walk to the store. If the store is close to your home, walk or ride your bike to the store.
8. Add some muscle. You can and should add muscle by doing some sort of resistance exercises. This can be anything from some simple pushups and sit ups to full blown weight lifting exercises. Muscle is a dynamic tissue and will actually help you burn fat.
There you have 8 tips to help you get the weight off quickly and improve you health at the same time. You can find out a lot more about health and fitness by dropping by my website and signing up for the FREE weekly fitness newsletter.