There's no real secret to losing weight other than eat less and exercise more. I can almost hear a lot of your say; "But I have no time to exercise!" This isn't entirely accurate because there are lots of exercising opportunities if you only think outside the box.
Consider these few ideas.
1. Park your car the farthest away from the store or mall. A few extra steps will go a long way to adding some great exercise to your daily life. It never ceases to amaze me when people will continue to circle a parking lot looking for a close parking space so they can go into an exercise club. We all need to be aware of exercising opportunities that will get us away from sitting behind a desk in front of a computer and out and about.
2. Take the stairs. Look for opportunities to use stairways, instead of elevators and escalators. Stairs are a good cardiovascular workout can be found in any building higher than one floor. If you work in a multi-story building and cannot climb all the stairs to your office, start with one or two flights and work up from there. The key point is to start today that exercise to your life
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3. Do your own vacuuming and housecleaning. If you're like most of us and have children, you've no doubt outsourced some of the more mundane housecleaning chores like vacuuming. Consider taking that job back, as part of your exercise routine. Think about it, moving an object back and forth across the carpet offers a good exercise for your upper body. Simply vacuum one room using your right hand then switch to the left in the next room. Add to this that you'll no doubt be bending to pick up stuff left by the kids, and you have a good opportunity for exercise.
4. Gardening is another exercise that shouldn't be ignored. Mowing the lawn, like vacuuming inside the home, can give a great mini workout.
Adding little things like these exercise opportunities to your life can help increase your metabolism and generally make you feel better. No matter what the weight loss program were diet plan you prefer, all require exercise for success. Every extra activity that you add to your daily routine will help burn calories. Burned calories translate into more weight lost over the same period of time.
The adage to simply eat less and exercise more is the basis for all weight loss plans and programs. Although many products have been designed that promise fast and easy weight loss, they only work to help support the eat less and exercise more mantra.
Don't make the mistake of wanting to lose weight without the commitment to make the changes necessary in your lifestyle. 95% of the people who are successful with their weight loss program that do not work on the lifestyle changes will end up gaining all their weight back.
If this is you, don't become discouraged or disillusioned. Maintaining a healthy weight is a lifelong commitment that many of us work at daily. If you cheat on your diet or your weight loss isn't what you expected for the week, or you just took that close in parking space, don't beat yourself up about it. Successful dieting is long term in one day does not a failure make